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Best places to buy a property in Puglia

If you are thinking to buy a property in Puglia you are taking a great decisione. Puglia is one of the first regions in Italy for request and sale of rental properties.

Tourism in this region is experiencing a golden age and buying a villa to be introduced in the rental market represents a very favorable and not risky investment. But which are the best places to buy a property in Puglia?

Puglia is characterized by dry plains, rolling hills, a low coast with enchanting beaches, art towns and beautiful villages. Its climate makes it ideal for the cultivation of olives, grapes and wheat consequently Puglia is the main Italian producer region of oil and wine.


Best places to buy a property in Puglia

According to Gate-away.com, a web site specialized in selling houses to foreigners, over one and a half million foreigners searched for a house in Italy in 2022. At the top of the ranking of the most popular regions is Tuscany; Puglia exceeds Lombardy, getting the second place in the ranking.
The best places to buy a rental property in Puglia are the areas that guarantee a good tourist flow.


Gargano, the northern part of Puglia, is a mass tourist area where tourism is concentrated almost exclusively during the high season. Here the properties are not particularly valuable, so you can find good prices but also the rent income won’t be very high.

Best places to buy a property in Puglia


An area where it is most worth investing in a rental property is Salento, the southernmost part of Puglia, known as the “Heel of Italy”. Salento is the main destination of Apulian beach tourism and its seaside towns such as Gallipoli, Otranto, and the entire Ionian coast are filled with tourists every summer. The hinterland is characterized by beautiful villages, vineyards that produce excellent red wine, and historic farmhouses. The “capital” of Salento is Lecce, often referred to as the “Florence of the South,” it is a historic city with beautiful baroque architecture and a vibrant cultural scene.

best picture puglia

Ostuni, Monopoli and Trulli Valley

Although these two areas have a good real estate market regarding rental properties, Gate-away.com reveals that the first places in Puglia for the number of requests received are Ostuni, Monopoli and the Trulli Valley. These places seem like have two characteristics that other areas of Puglia do not have. First of all, they attract mainly foreign tourists with a high economic resource (they are mostly English, Germans and the Americans people who buy a property here, followed by Belgians and French); secondly these areas have a longer tourist season, from April to October, as it is not strictly connected to beach tourism but more to other aspects such as landscape, experiences, villages and food and wine.

Monopoli and the nearby Polignano a Mare are among the most popular destinations for foreigner tourists who here can enjoy a spectacular stretch of coast and the beauty and liveliness of the two towns.

Ostuni, for years at the top in the rental properties real estate market, continues to attract visitors for its proximity to the sea, the charm of the town and the beauty of the countryside.
Recently Carovigno area, close to Ostuni, has also begun to attract interest. It is still little known, but it has great potential so it could be one of the best places to buy a property in Puglia.

Trulli Valley is named after the traditional trulli houses that are found throughout the area. These unique dwellings are characterized by their conical roofs and stone walls, and they are a testament to the region’s rich history and culture. Buying property in Trulli Valley can be a great investment opportunity for those looking for a unique and authentic experience in Italy.

Why Buy Property in Trulli Valley?

There are many reasons why Trulli Valley is a great place to buy property. For one, the area is known for its stunning natural beauty, with rolling hills, olive groves, and vineyards. It is also rich in history and culture, with ancient ruins, traditional festivals, and delicious local cuisine.

Another reason to buy property in Trulli Valley is the unique architecture of the trulli houses. These traditional dwellings are a symbol of the region and are recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Many buyers are attracted to the charm and character of these homes, which offer a glimpse into the region’s past.

Trulli houses also offer great potential for renovation and restoration. Many properties in the area are in need of some work, but with the help of a skilled architect or builder, they can be transformed into beautiful homes. This can be a great investment opportunity, as renovated trulli houses are in high demand for holiday rentals.

What to Consider When Buying Property in Trulli Valley

If you are considering buying property in Trulli Valley, there are several things you should keep in mind. Here are a few key factors to consider:

  1. Location: Trulli Valley is a large area, so it’s important to choose a location that suits your needs. Some popular areas for buyers include Alberobello, Martina Franca, and Cisternino. These towns offer easy access to local amenities and attractions, as well as stunning views of the surrounding countryside.
  2. Budget: The cost of property in Trulli Valley can vary widely depending on the location, size, and condition of the home. It’s important to have a clear idea of your budget before you start your search, so you can avoid overspending and find a property that meets your needs.
  3. Condition: Many trulli houses are in need of renovation or restoration, so it’s important to have a clear understanding of the condition of the property before you buy. You may want to work with a local architect or builder to assess the property and determine what kind of work is needed.
  4. Regulations: Buying property in Italy can be a complex process, and there are many regulations and requirements that you will need to navigate. It’s a good idea to work with a local real estate agent or lawyer who can help guide you through the process and ensure that you are in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.


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